Community Expresso

Out Of Control

5 September 2021

What a week U2 Fam! 

There I was digging into some unused material from the Popmart DVD, looking for someone to save my soul or more so someone to GIF – especially that bubble pants one I won’t lie – when U2’s team went a tab bit bonkers with the video remasters and drop not one, nor two but three new vids! Just like that. Boom. Err.. Okay. Thanks? We’ll take it then. 

Good old me, eyes wide open like a kid on Christmas morning – more like a poor deer hit by the car light in the middle of the road really – saw all those GIFs waiting to be made on every odd frame of those vids, and I got a bit… out of control. 

So many GIFs, so little time… oh well. We all have to try to do what we can, eh? And thanks to a few slow days at work and some extra caffeine, I actually managed to gif not one, nor two, not even three but four frigging videos this week. Ha! Don’t ask me how I did that, I’m not sure myself. This band sure knows how to lift me up – or ruin my life, depending on your perspective. 

But DAMN guys, that’s an awful big batch of gifs that is tipping the Gif Vault over 3000 GIFs ! and that raised another problem that has nothing to do with my mental health, thanks for your concern.

Posting them all at the same time would be kissing fast loading of the Gif Vault goodbye. 

Plus I wasn’t too keen about letting Mermaid Larry steal Bubble Pants B limelight, and poor Ali in the midst of it all – of course I had to gif Ali, have you seen her?! – forced to witness Edge’s funky chicken dance and some bathtub soft porn… Nah. That ain’t right. That ain’t right at all… 

And that many files… I mean. It’s starting to be one joyful big mess isn’t it ? I might be a great multi tasker but I’ve got terrible organizational skills. Maybe. Wait up. Hmm. Hmming again.

Oh well. I have a few seconds left of my free time to spare… Might as well open up a new section of the blog I’ve been working on – did I mention out of control ?

And to answer that other question, no. I never stop. Blame coffee or unsanity, but mostly a stupidly big amount of love for a certain band and this community.

You’ll notice a new little section in the menu called The Coffee Lounge where you’ll find everything you need to sit back and relax – or you know, be true to your U2 fan nature and lose your shit while singing at the top of your lungs. Don’t spill coffee everywhere though. Seriously. 

Keep an eye on them for me guys please.

So what the hell is that about?

Well, remember when I said I’ve got terrible organizational skills? Fine, I lied. This new section is a work in progress – and you’ll have to be patient because it takes me a ton of time – but basically it’s main goal is to gather everything you might look for in one serving, and here’s what’s on the menu :

One page per song with official youtube and spotify links – so you don’t have to wonder ever again if there’s an actual video for that damn song – we’ve all been there – and the spotify link is just because who doesn’t need more U2 music in their day really? Except for you Larry, we know. 

You will also find those U2 acronyms we use online and that drive you absolutely crazy because seriously TTTYAATW or IGWSHA is not always that easy to decipher. I know I’ve been promising way too many people that I would make a post about it for quite a long time now… Well, there you go!

And most importantly, a personal win against the internet industry. If you remember the Gif Vault 1.0, there was a search engine featured. Except that I had to get rid of it so you could actually load those damn pages. But I never gave up on that idea… U2 fans always find a way right?  And with that amount of GIFs on the blog these days, it’s getting harder and harder to find a specific one. 

Well guess what? You’ll now have all GIFs associated with the song on that page – and that means GIFs from remasters, performances, interviews… Hell. Pretty much everything. Ha. The main Gif Vault will of course remain too.

This will all be topped by some extra silly stuff because eh, it’s me. And hopefully, it will bring a smile to your face because, honestly,  that’s the only real purpose of *gestures around* this. 

I’ll be posting new pages probably every week like I’ve been doing with the GIFs, maybe after beating the Sunday nights dread of the week to come, we might be able to kick Monday mornings arse too ? That sounds like a plan I like. Hell. A plan I need. 

In the meantime my dear crazy fellow U2 fans, take a seat and I hope you’ll enjoy it all. 

For the Pop addicts, please head the usual way to the Gif Vault where you’ll find the Phunk Force Mix and the unused Popmart material GIFs waiting for you. 

For the sweet tooth ones and the bathtub soft porn aficionados – told you you’d find everything you need in there – the lounge is waiting for you ! 

Happy Sunday U2 Fam! Enjoy!

1 Comment
  1. Reply

    Richard Johnson

    1 October 2021


    Fat Daddy


Jo D

Music lover, helpless dreamer, bit of a nutter. I like to think that the world would be a better place to live in if people smiled up a bit more often. Forever stuck in the intro of 'Streets', I keep bouncing through life and try to escape a boring reality using my very own sense of silliness. Some people think I’m crazy, and thank god they’re right. But the truth is that in the end, I’m just a U2 fan who drinks too much coffee

Twitter @madfl3a
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    Tweeted on 08:29 AM Jul 27

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