Community Expresso

Angel or Devil ?

4 July 2021

Angel, angel or devil?

I was thirsty

And you wet my lips

You, I’m waiting for you… 


Ha! Don’t mind me guys.

I’ve been in a written singalong mood lately, for lack of actual singalong happening, and the main issue with U2 is that pretty much any words can be a trigger for that. Like they kinda used them all in the last 44 years, 10 months and… whatever days (I’m terrible at maths) – not that I’m counting down for the next celebration.

Anyways, I’m not the only one right? (staring at the sun… yeah you get it.) 

So! Back to topic. Whatever that was.




Angel or Devil then? (you know I’m still singing but I’ll spare you this time) – Angel AND devil more like, as today’s post is about the (mostly) Lemon and Stay remasters! 

It’s Sunday, it’s GIFs day and I have a pretty large batch of those this week. Hopefully, it will make you forget that I didn’t upload any last week, like I forgot which day it was supposed to be thanks to some lovely birthday pints. Ha. Bono is right. You can always blame something else. 

Another year didn’t make me any wiser sadly – doubt that will ever happen – and I’m still saying a lot of useless shit as you can tell. I seriously have the attention span of a 3 year old. 



GIFs ! 

I am very happy to report that I am FINALLY up to date with the remastered video clips guys, and I’ve just uploaded the last ones (for now – hopefully – don’t fck it up U2 – don’t ‘forget’ about Pop again eh – and I won’t take any excuses this time Bono – dyslexia, drugs of choice, Larry… nope.) 

As you might have noticed, those last ones closed the Zooropa chapter and Lord it’s been a great ride. Those videos are just on a whole other level, and if you have no idea what they’re doing, that’s probably a sign of a sane mind – but babe it must be art. 

Art. Proper art. And that’s probably one of the reasons why Lemon has always been one of my favorite video clips. 

And you know what they say, if life gives you Lemon, make GIFs – or whatever the saying is. Me No English. 

You might notice there are a lot – like a lot lot – of GIFs from that vid, and that’s because of a very simple reason – every little bit of it is perfect GIF material. Art right ? Ha. HA! 

I’m so very pleased with those. They’re gorgeous – because the video is obviously. And between the shots of the official video and the bad yard mix, the Gif Vault looks like a virtual little art exhibition. 

Captioned, not captioned, thumbnails, cropped – I just made them all because it was so good to work on that vid that I just couldn’t stop. Just mesmerised by those glorious frames. Maybe I sold my soul to the devil on this one – but when the double faced devil is none other than the Fly and Mr Macphisto who can blame me for caving in eh? Ha. You go have a look and you tell me. 

Yet, as always, I don’t like to be blindly manipulated by this band. Scratch that. I love being a U2 puppet. But… I just want to understand how and why.

Why is that damn vid so satisfying to watch?

Glitchy bits, untimely bright colors popping left and right, unwanted lines messing with your vision… that should be enough to trigger anyone’s anxiety seriously. And yet, it feels like one of those kinetic sand cutting videos on which we’ve all lost at least a few hours of our lives. Relaxing. Satisfying. 

And it’s not even the leather pants – LPpi (Leather Pants per image) ratio is actually pretty low. 

If the AB vids taught me anything, it’s to keep an eye out for what’s hiding in plain sight on those millisecond frames. Epic fail guys. No subliminal messages this time – well apart from the fact that Mr McP apparently thoroughly enjoys ice creams – and I’ll let you make what you want of that info. Spoiler alert, it’s melting material – and not just the ice cream. 

Sorry girls. It’s a lot I know.

I was about to give up and just surrender to the fact these dudes can make me feel stuff they shouldn’t – well, more than usual. Don’t judge. Blame the LPpi. – when… I saw this :

And everything just made sense.

Forget the devil, I could hear the angels singing when I realised that. Remember when I said that vid was on a whole other level? Well, so is the manipulation, guys. Don’t believe what you SEE, Don’t believe what you HEAR… Or believe it alright. It’s all about the damn beat.

Go on now, go watch the video again, and you’ll see that the images are perfectly synced to that damn BEAT. Ha. HA. And if you’re a music lover, you know there’s nothing more satisfying than a perfect beat. Is that why we keep watching this video on and on? Probably not. McP shiny suit only is worth the multiple watch, but maybe it helps mesmerise our weak minds.

Brainwash me, satisfy me … we’re all U2 puppets whether we want it or not. And you know the best part about that? Not even mad.

Or maybe it’s just those U2 angels whispering in our ears… Angel or devil? I don’t really care anymore. I’m too far gone now (up with the sun), so I’ll Stay (with the demons you drowned), Stay (with the spirit I found), Stay (and the night would be enough). 


I really need to stop overthinking those remasters. 

All GIFs this way guys, hope you’ll like them. Make sure to set an alarm to snap you out of the U2 trance though. This is no time not to be alive, because coming up next is … POP!

Unless we get a little HMTMKMKM…

Oh lordy, either way I’m so fckd. 



Jo D

Music lover, helpless dreamer, bit of a nutter. I like to think that the world would be a better place to live in if people smiled up a bit more often. Forever stuck in the intro of 'Streets', I keep bouncing through life and try to escape a boring reality using my very own sense of silliness. Some people think I’m crazy, and thank god they’re right. But the truth is that in the end, I’m just a U2 fan who drinks too much coffee

Twitter @madfl3a
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    Tweeted on 04:48 AM Jul 27

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