
So this is Christmas…

24 December 2020

How the hell is it Christmas Eve already ?! 

I mean I should have taken the cue from living surrounded by wrapping paper and the number of Baileys’ bottles by the recycling bin but … Where did that week go?!

As I’ve previously mentioned, I’m not that much of a Christmas enthusiast and the highlight of the day is often me balancing my phone on one knee under the table, waiting for the Grafton St busking videos to emerge and obviously praying really hard that a wee Irish dude showed up. 

The perspective of Christmas dinner this year was pretty grim. Stupid year ruining everything. But I’ve learnt over the years that you should never underestimate the Irish. And boy was I right.

No busking on Grafton Street because eh 2020, and the crowned microscopic arsehole taking every good thing away. No worries. Glen Hansard and his gang got us covered with a special late late show that felt more like Christmas than anything else lately – apart from my friend who’s been counting down the days by sending me Christmas mugs pics just to drive me insane (Eejit. You rock.)

Music, Hot boozy chocolate, candles, kiddo half asleep on my lap, and a bit of geeky tech to bring RTE on my TV. All set to embrace the magic. And you know what? I did.

What a brilliant evening that was. 

Do I believe in Father Christmas? Definitely not. But I do believe that when good people come together for a good cause, to make a difference, to help one another, that’s a lot better than the white bearded legend. As much as this could apply to our fav bassist, I’m still talking about Santa here eh. 

Yeah… maybe we’re all a bit too old and blasé to believe in the father Christmas magic but that kind of night reminded me that maybe it’s just a matter of perspective after all. Maybe magic is real when you hold it within, not in one person, but in everyone. And maybe, the best gift to receive is to give. Just maybe. 

Ha. Christmas boozy philosophy post. You weren’t expecting that were you ? What can I say, that show sent me spiraling to simple truths that we forget too often. And when I saw those lights twinkling in Edge’s and Bono’s eyes, and those bright smiles bringing me so much comfort as a warm blanket in the cold night… Just for one moment, I accepted that maybe Christmas ain’t that bad, and the magic can be real – when you take the time to look for it. 

I was planning on writing just a happy holiday note, or something more specific about the RTE show but for now, that will do. It’s the season, it’s time, it’s Christmas eve and let’s all be grateful for whatever it can bring. 


Happy Holidays U2 Fam. I hope you’ll let the magic catch you too tonight. 

Take care. Stay Safe. x

Learn more about the Simon community on their website. Consider donating if you can. These people need your help more than one night a year. 


  1. Reply


    24 December 2020

    Merry Christmas too !!!!

  2. Reply


    5 January 2021

    Thank you!!1


Jo D

Music lover, helpless dreamer, bit of a nutter. I like to think that the world would be a better place to live in if people smiled up a bit more often. Forever stuck in the intro of 'Streets', I keep bouncing through life and try to escape a boring reality using my very own sense of silliness. Some people think I’m crazy, and thank god they’re right. But the truth is that in the end, I’m just a U2 fan who drinks too much coffee

Twitter @madfl3a
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