Community Expresso

The Gif Grand Madness

21 November 2020

I’ve been awfully quiet lately, haven’t I ? Even with everything going on and all. Don’t you worry, I haven’t made the switch to chamomile tea yet – I love you Adam but *hides coffee mug away* don’t judge me. I said I’ll try to work on that. Emphasis on the try.

So nothing to do with hot beverages U2 Fam. I’ve just been busy prepping a little something for you all. Yes again. And when I have something in mind I’ve got a hard time doing anything else. So… Yup, silence doesn’t necessarily mean trouble guys, I’m not a 3 year old – verified fact. I think you might well enjoy the surprise actually… 

So here goes….

Drumroll Larry? Many thanks.

Intitiate launch..



Wait for it…



Madness loading…



(Edge stop fidgeting with that thing!)



….. Grand Madness Complete.

I’m opening my Gif Vault!

All of it.
And all of this can be yours.

Yup. My complete gif vault… and i’ve even tidied up the mess! Ha!

Be warned before entering that page though – that’s quite a consequent number of those low res crappy loopy vids I can assure you. I’m not gonna start talking numbers right now or you’ll start thinking i’ve well earned my ‘crazy one’ title this time. Numbers though might influence how long the page will take to load on your first visit. Good things come to those who wait so please be patient ! Just like a pint of plain, it’s worth it (hopefully). Like 750ish files worth it – see? Crazy.

Some of those are mine, some I’ve found and collected over the years but they’re all glorious in their own way – seriously, it’s U2 gifs, of course they’re glorious. 

So feel free to grab some of them, or all of them – buy an external drive if you’re going for it. Trust me. 

I don’t watermark mines because I don’t really care about getting any credit for my insanity. Treat them respectfully though, because first it’s our lads pictured in them and second, I’ve put quite a lot of hours (days, weeks… months?) of my life into making those – so yeah. Be nice. 

But ultimately I’ll just ask you to use them wisely and never underestimate the power of those stupid gifs to put a smile on someone else face and brighten their days. 

That’s the only reason I actually make those. Gifs bring happy thoughts, and the world needs more of that at the moment – or always actually. 

I’ve renamed by hand every single one of them – that’s where I was for the past weeks, renaming files (so many files…) – so you can hit that search button and find what you’re looking for more easily. I know. I’m a saint – or again, insanity. 

All gifs are sorted by band member names, but you can also search what you’re looking for by decades (80s, 90s, 00s & 10s), by era (ZooTv, Vertigo,IE etc.. I’ve voluntarily used tour names because it’s a lot faster to type 360 rather than No line on the …) What was I saying again? Ha! Searching ! Moods and specific pants also work, song names too and basically whatever the hell you want. I’ve tried my best to be the most accurate on that. I’ve also tried to indicate from which vid/event it’s from (when possible) so you can go looking for the whole thing if you want to – Did I mention insanity ?

For obvious reasons, there are more gifs from certains eras, and the HD ones are mostly from recent vids – or from whatever vids U2 has been gracious enough to have remastered. Better quality videos, make better quality gifs – simple as that. 

There’s also quite a few more gifs of a certain frontman than of his pals, but in my defense, I’m a Bono girl #NotSorry. More seriously, B just gets more screen time than the rest of the band and he makes very good gif material, because eh, he’s Bono.  That being said, too much isn’t enough, except when you deal with servers’ response, and Bono might take a bit longer to show up – nothing too unusual. We all know how much he loves to make an entrance anyway.

I think that’s about it ! Just hop on the other side of the barricade and take a left after the giant lemon lightbulb – the door should be opened to go through. Welcome to the Gif Vault folks ! 

Not much more to say now than – grab them, use them, flood your world with them (or don’t) and most of all enjoy guys !


25 November 2020



Jo D

Music lover, helpless dreamer, bit of a nutter. I like to think that the world would be a better place to live in if people smiled up a bit more often. Forever stuck in the intro of 'Streets', I keep bouncing through life and try to escape a boring reality using my very own sense of silliness. Some people think I’m crazy, and thank god they’re right. But the truth is that in the end, I’m just a U2 fan who drinks too much coffee

Twitter @madfl3a
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