Community Expresso

Heartland – The U2 Conference

12 October 2020

Well, here’s an article I wish I had written a bit sooner. Time is a train, like a fast bullet train, these days. We’ve been stuck in 2020 for the last seven years or so but obviously whenever I need more time, the universe smashes the fast forward button. Ha. 

You can blame The Edge for that though, ‘Falling down the Youtube rabbit hole”… Yeah, like I didn’t already fall for that on my own usually. What can I say.. I have a U2 problem, and an even bigger U2 gifs problem – posting all those remastered videos slightly messed up my ‘oh so well thought organisation’ – that’s a blatant lie. I’m just awful at adulting. 

ANYWAYS. I’m spiralling. Again. (Stupid rabbit hole).

Guys! We’ve got one of the biggest U2 events of the year coming up : The U2 Conference is just around the corner! 

Wait, what ? Aren’t we in the middle of a pandemic or something ? We don’t all own a damn boat to travel around and hug strangers Jo. Ha. Ha ! I hear you guys, the four walls of my place are driving me nuts too but eh, cut them some slack – they needed their vitamin D. 

And I sure need more vitamin B.

Back to the point – here’s the beauty of human resilience and will to adapt. This year, the U2 conference is going to surf on the digital waves and bring the banter online. Bono was right, all of this can be yours. Yup. And you won’t even have to get up from your couch for this one.

And in my humble opinion, that’s excellent news. 

Haven’t we all thought at some point in our fan life that we’d love to attend this conference? 

I’ve never had the opportunity to personally. Wrong side of the world/flying phobia shenanigans. And you all know I’m much better at this online thing than being an actual three dimensional being – that’s also a lie – hopefully. 

So obviously when I heard that the conference was going to be online this year I was more than thrilled about it. And of course I had to jump on that wagon. 

For those of you who are forever stuck in some rabbit hole and have no idea what I’m talking about – seriously, you need to get out more and definitely soak up on vitamin D too – the U2 conference is an annual event that brings scholars, fans, students, critics, artists, and authors together for furthering a critical understanding and appreciation of the music, work and influence of U2 and U2 fandom. Our meetings provide opportunities for learning, sharing research, and making personal and professional connections.”

And yes I did steal their own words for this, because that’s the thing. Some might say I’m funny (or crazy –  depending on your level of tolerance), but that’s pretty much it. We need smarter people in the community and the U2 conference never disappoints – no matter what level you’re on. 

This year’s program is just amazeballs. The list of keynote speakers and presenters will definitely give you something to dream about – stop being jelly B – and I have absolutely no doubt that it will be a blast. As it usually is.

But more than that, this year the good guys of the conference are using all the tools the online world has to offer to recreate the feeling of being all together in one room. Sharing, debating, talking, meeting people, saying a lot of stupid things – Oh wait that’s just me – you’ve got it all thanks to the Whova app. And you know what? That’s a good feeling. That’s needed. 

Everything you need right in your pocket

We might be lacking travel miles this year, but we sure aren’t short of conversations. And I can assure you it’s a lot of fun! And the actual conference hasn’t even started!

See? Told ya. Smart people. 

If there is anything else I could add to invite you to join in, it’s this year’s theme. U2’s Looking For American Soul. That promises to be interesting. It’s no secret that this band loves America, and there’s plenty to say about this.

But more than that, isn’t the whole world looking for American Soul these days? Am I the only one hearing the opening line of Mofo right now? Who turned up the volume so loud?! Ha… Yeah. Interesting stuff ahead for sure.

I should probably stop pretending I can be smart too and write stuff and go get another cup of coffee – or twelve – now. 

But more seriously, this is a great event and it’s been really well thought for the days we’re living in. You get to meet people, have some pretty nice convos, listen to music and eh, smart people – we can learn a thing or two. Just like we would have if the world wasn’t going bonkers. And obviously, it’s all U2 – that’s always well worth it in my book. 

It also proves the point I’ve been trying to make for years now. Online can be real too. So I truly hope to see you around U2 Fam, because that’s the U2 community at its best for sure!

Registrations are open and you’ll find all infos this way !

Heartland: U2’s Looking For American Soul

An International Virtual U2 Conference For Scholars And Fans

October 18 – 24, 2020

Art by Beth Nabi




Jo D

Music lover, helpless dreamer, bit of a nutter. I like to think that the world would be a better place to live in if people smiled up a bit more often. Forever stuck in the intro of 'Streets', I keep bouncing through life and try to escape a boring reality using my very own sense of silliness. Some people think I’m crazy, and thank god they’re right. But the truth is that in the end, I’m just a U2 fan who drinks too much coffee

Twitter @madfl3a
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