
Satellite of love : we’re back !

24 August 2020

Emergency post !

I don’t know if anyone heard us calling after all or if that’s just another glitch in the matrix but I am listening, at this very moment, from Europe, to U2 X Radio. Reception loud and clear and all the feels associated are bursting in every direction. Holy bananas it feels good to be back in the sound !

Might well be another free trial like the one they did when the radio launched… I can’t recall exactly how long that one lasted – got into insomniac mode to listen and make the most of it if you remember well. Time and sleep are irrelevant when it comes to this band anyway, but I guess we were allowed in the sound for about… a week ? Bit less maybe? 

Well, no idea what’s happening and how long that’s gonna last this time but that’s prob the longest we can get so stop wasting your time reading this and go now! Let the coffee flow! Don’t waste a minute of those precious radio waves !

Side note – Make sure to catch Daniel Lanois’ show while you still can because it’s absolutely brilliant – just make sure you’re ready for that emotional wave because he’s not going for half measure, and damn that’s a lot of tears for a Monday afternoon. 

Link this way, you know the drill ! 

Thank you so much to whoever is tweaking that satellite, you made me very happy today. And just like that… Beautiful Day starts playing. Ha ! Don’t let it get away U2Fam !

Thanks for the heads up @U2partygirl5



Jo D

Music lover, helpless dreamer, bit of a nutter. I like to think that the world would be a better place to live in if people smiled up a bit more often. Forever stuck in the intro of 'Streets', I keep bouncing through life and try to escape a boring reality using my very own sense of silliness. Some people think I’m crazy, and thank god they’re right. But the truth is that in the end, I’m just a U2 fan who drinks too much coffee

Twitter @madfl3a
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    Tweeted on 09:43 AM Jul 27

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