
Songs From An Empty Room

26 July 2020

Hardly awake, coffee’s still brewing but I have to make sure I didn’t have too many pints last night. That euphoria I’m feeling this morning can only mean two things – either I’m still drunk, or there’s some U2 involved.

The official U2 account passed the word yesterday morning about an event. The #SongsFromAnEmptyRoom event on RTE, supporting live music industries and crews during those trying times. I was so pumped about it – live music directly to our homes and for a good cause. Heck yeah. We needed that – just didn’t know how much yet. Problem is, I never thought to check when it was happening. And it turns out it was the very same day.

Uh oh. UH OH. I realised that early in the evening while I was out for a few pints. Early enough though to set up my phone balancing on one knee under the table and pretend to be too tired to give any attention to the on-going conversation.

And all of a sudden, there he was. A glorious apparition. A rock n roll epiphany. God himself is talking on my wee screen, REJOICE.

Oh wait. That was just Adam Clayton (God status open for debate) – just got dazzled by the fabulous locks. That wondrous hair (almost) enough to make up for 2020.

NEW FAVORITE ADAM EVER – (and I still REALLY need that conditioner)

And that’s pretty much when we learned that U2 would make a one in a lifetime performance that night.

Mayday. Abort night out, abort night out ! Gosh I’m tired. The kids are tired. I’m too old for drinks anyway. Throw in a headache for good measure. Last round? Sure. Bottom’s up. See you next time. Rush home like loose electricity. Quick lullabies – yes sleep, sleep tonight but hurry the hell up please. Grab laptop. More running. Good night.

Just in time. Gosh. Just in time to see those friendly faces staring back at me from that wee pre recorded video.


I got a bit dizzy for an instant, but that might have been from the boozy running home, or maybe it was just the joy of seeing Bono and The Edge again. It had been a while. And of course we miss them. But it’s when you see them that you realize just as much you really do.

More than that, the underlying worry – that we don’t talk about but you know what I mean – we experienced those last months pretty much vanished. They look awesome (as always), they look happy (*squee*) and they look healthy (thank god). Those two are together having fun with Stairway to Heaven and all’s good in the world again.

The performance on itself? It was hilarious – and good. It was good for real – but mostly very fun and yes, we definitely needed that.

All in all, from what I managed to catch, it was a brilliant night. 

We need our band back that’s for sure. But more than that, we need the magic back – and that can’t happen without our beloved crew and every other faces of the live music industry involved.

Otherwise, we’ll be stuck forever with Bono in charge – who apparently can only film half of his face at all time (and I love that face) – so please consider visiting Songs from an Empty room website and support the women and men who are the real rock stars behind the bands we love – Don’t tell the guys I said that. Or you know what, tell them. I’m sure they 200 000 % agree with that. 

There’s merch – because we all need more shirts we might or might not wear, and new hoodies for the stormy GA lines  – but also a Gofundme where you can donate as little as 5 euros and make an actual difference if we all go for it together. You can also send some texts to donate (if you’re in Ireland – I think. ) instead of spamming poor Edge all day with emojis. Plenty of ways to give back folks, and hope for a better future for live music – and all of us. Because WE NEED THAT FUTURE.

Only one thing left to say… #WeAreTheSupportAct so why the hell are you still here reading my crap?! Go ! NOW !





Jo D

Music lover, helpless dreamer, bit of a nutter. I like to think that the world would be a better place to live in if people smiled up a bit more often. Forever stuck in the intro of 'Streets', I keep bouncing through life and try to escape a boring reality using my very own sense of silliness. Some people think I’m crazy, and thank god they’re right. But the truth is that in the end, I’m just a U2 fan who drinks too much coffee

Twitter @madfl3a
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    Tweeted on 04:41 AM Jul 27

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