Coffee Thoughts

One but not the same

8 January 2017

Holy mother of all bananas! This is certainly not how I had envisioned my first post of the year but I need a good old rant!

Turmoil is brewing hard within the U2 family lately. A sort of general fighting feeling is taking over. Two weeks of uninterrupted rumors probably got to our heads at last and it feels like everyone is just losing it!

It’s a lot to take, I get it guys, but where we should find people jumping up and down with excitement and broad smiles ready for what’s next, there’s a fuck load of negativity in the air. Me no like it. Eternal enthusiastic and preaching fun over all the rest, I couldn’t remain silent much longer before blowing a fuse.

You hear that constant irritating noise? Yup. It’s the whining. U2 fans whining and its driving me crazy. What’s the problem then? Well, new tour no new album seems to do the trick. That celebration tour of the Joshua tree is sure having a lot of divided reactions. The boys never did anything like this – and didn’t they cut out that piece of wood in Achtung Baby? – but eh, they’re known to go where they’ve never been before right?

I’m all good with this idea and really looking forward to that tour. All in all it could prepare us for what’s next, and I’m sure we will be surprised once again.

Of course, it’s all a matter of opinions but with so much negativity I thought about injecting some of my own positivity toward all this. Bumpy ride ahead. That’s what happen when you disturb me before morning coffee.

Help me out sweet caffeine…

Now I don’t want to get all depressing and shit but if 2016 taught us something (the hard way) is that our final date with the reaper doesn’t take into consideration your rockstar status. Maybe we could be glad that our boys are still around, and as we heavily celebrated it, still a band after 40 years!

It’s U2 for banana’s sake! It’s an opportunity to see them live, to travel and meet old friends, it’s the adventure we’re all longing for as fans!

So yeah, whiny whiny, it’s a revival tour and SOE is still hiding behind that damn tree, so what? We survived the mullet and NLOTH – one of those even turned out to be great… Hint, it’s not the hair – so I’m pretty sure we can take that, can’t we?

I’m actually really happy about that tour. And I even have more than one reason to be.

First, it’s U2 live. I could end my list of reasons right here. These few words should be enough to reason with any damn fan on the planet. No? Hang on a sec…

Still hearing the whining!! Fine! Here’s more…

I’ve been waiting for a time machine all my life so I could go back to all these eras I missed out for being too young, and it’s happening! (thank fuck Bono is part time lord.) it’s a freakin awesome opportunity! Whatever they play or not, I’m sure the guys are gonna make us travel in time just like they did with SOI.

Who else could I quote for that matter?

Let me guess. Been there, did that already?

Well, I didn’t hear much complaining when the guys were taking us back to our first experiences, our first love, our first fights, our first whatever-the-hell-they-wanted-because-I-will-follow. This tour is giving you the opportunity to go back 30 years ago! Maybe it was even your first U2 gig! Even if not, I’m sure you still have some quite fond memories of that time. So, there you go, it’s like going through those old family albums and let nostalgia hit hard. It’s a pretty nice feeling, enjoy it.

Another point I’d like to suggest is the fact that as anyone can notice SOE is still not around. We all know the u2 definition of soon of course but it doesn’t mean we’re not VERY eager to get that album. But eh, look at that! A tour to take our minds out of it for a few months and actually help us wait patiently for it! Be grateful. Remember how long it was to wait for SOI, like a freaking long walk in the desert. I don’t know what’s your thought on this but I’m quite glad to see that Joshua tree to rest upon on this journey.

Keep walking if you want, i’m camping there for a bit. #LazyAss

Let’s sum up this thing. Joshua tree tour revival. No SOE. It doesn’t take a genius to guess there will be a new tour to promote the album. You hear that? New tour! Times 2! The guys just doubled the fun for our poor craving souls. How can it ever be a bad thing?

As for the whole stadium vs. arena “issue”.. Huh well, I’m a bit lost here because I don’t see the problem. Sure, U2 in arenas is great, such a beautiful feeling to be so close to them and sharing that intimacy – with another 15k lovable crowd. But I also love U2 outdoors! It’s so gigantically powerful! If arenas are a gentle pat on your head, stadiums are one hell of a much-needed kick in the ass. It’s a matter of opinions but on my side, I have no problem with either of these configurations, I see good things in both.

And most of all, It’s U2 live for fuck sake!!! (yes. Can’t say it enough. U2. LIVE.)


That being said… Let’s get back to lalala land ASAP please folks, and let’s remember how much happy times we have ahead of us. I know we’re one but not the same but i don’t like seeing love tear us apart like that (If Edge does it, it means i’m allowed.) U2 is a blessing. Don’t let the whiners grind you down. Not even me.

Rant over.

Time to surrender

17 March 2023


1 March 2023

… — …

22 January 2023


Jo D

Music lover, helpless dreamer, bit of a nutter. I like to think that the world would be a better place to live in if people smiled up a bit more often. Forever stuck in the intro of 'Streets', I keep bouncing through life and try to escape a boring reality using my very own sense of silliness. Some people think I’m crazy, and thank god they’re right. But the truth is that in the end, I’m just a U2 fan who drinks too much coffee

Twitter @madfl3a
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