Community Ristretto

Some Zoom more than others

20 March 2021

New gif batch guys! At last!

I know, I know it’s been a while – but i’ve not been idle just… too lazy to upload them. Boo. And a tad bit busy in case you hadn’t noticed.

I’ve taken a wee break from the remastered vids, because… I wanted a wee break from the remastered vids. Simple as that. I am not avoiding the Mullet whatsoever, stop it. 

Anyways, I went back looking for other videos and more gifs to make because sometimes it’s all about the thrill of the hunt – who am I kidding, any excuse is good to fall back into the U2be rabbit hole. 

And then Youtube just started to mess with me, with rockstars and Q&A, and brand new zooms…. Sigh. I’m weak. 


Some Zoom more than others. 

And this is NOT a judgement. 

Just a mere statement. 

More vids, more gifs, right?

I am absolutely not trying to justify the fact that this brand new gif batch is (almost) all about the Edge

Like a lot.


Err… We need to talk Jo.


Man, wait, for real…. 

You’ve got to stop this gif madness now. Not cool. 


I was already in a you-gif phase before that thing happened anyway… 

Right… but you know I deserve better video definition.


Of course but… It’s not my fault if you’ve got the best smile. 



Sorry Not Sorry.

You can’t use that on all occasions… I know Bono gets away with it everytime but…


I’m not !

(I so am)

Edge? Edgie?

Fine, let’s settle this once and for all then. 

What do you mean it’s not a fair fight!?


Errr… guys, bit busy here – you know where to go.

Ps : Looking good B – as if i’d miss your vid.

Ps² : Adam’s birthday gifs included too – I just don’t have the strenght in me to deal with two rockstars at once.

Err… Jo?

Oh boy.




Jo D

Music lover, helpless dreamer, bit of a nutter. I like to think that the world would be a better place to live in if people smiled up a bit more often. Forever stuck in the intro of 'Streets', I keep bouncing through life and try to escape a boring reality using my very own sense of silliness. Some people think I’m crazy, and thank god they’re right. But the truth is that in the end, I’m just a U2 fan who drinks too much coffee

Twitter @madfl3a
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