
Staring at the sun

27 July 2016

Back to basics because that glorious time has finally come! I’m up for some well deserved holidays in the sun, and that means away from my computer – doesn’t work so well in the sand. Here’s the new blog’s look for the next month or so, blank paper, pen, and loads of U2 and coffees obviously.

I won’t be around much but it doesn’t mean i’ll stop writing, and i’ll make sure to get plenty of stuff done for when I get back from summer land.

But for now, it’s time to disconnect a bit and enjoy the small pleasures of life – like listening to PoP lying on the beach, sipping an iced coffee and not worry about a single thing. Unless something big happens of course… I’ll find a way back online – or maybe you’ll just hear me shout from a distance.

Have a great summer my dear #U2Fam, take care and see you all in September, with hopefully a lot of surprises on the U2 front. Until then… #Off

ps: I’ll still be around on Twitter, there’s so much disconnection a geek like me can take…



Jo D

Music lover, helpless dreamer, bit of a nutter. I like to think that the world would be a better place to live in if people smiled up a bit more often. Forever stuck in the intro of 'Streets', I keep bouncing through life and try to escape a boring reality using my very own sense of silliness. Some people think I’m crazy, and thank god they’re right. But the truth is that in the end, I’m just a U2 fan who drinks too much coffee

Twitter @madfl3a
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    Tweeted on 10:17 AM Jul 27

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